Saturday, August 2, 2008

Social Media

I’m wondering if any of the companies you work for are practicing “social media” or open messaging via responses to articles or blogs or any other form of interactive communication?

Here are some specific questions I have:
Is your system completely “open” – anything goes and can be posted?
Is your system monitored and censored in any way?
How is your system monitored? Who monitors it?
How has social media been beneficial to your company?
What positive and negative experiences have resulted for your company from social media?
Does your company leadership practice social media in any form?

I hear more and more companies are utilizing an open form of communication such as social media allows. I also hear the corporate world is unsure how to ensure it has a positive impact on communication and disgruntled employees don’t use it for airing their complaints.

Scribbleofthought asks “When does Freedom of Speech cross the line?” She says, “What I don't understand is why people feel the need to become disrespectful or even hurtful in their posts.”

What if that happens in the corporate world?

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to balance open communication with the need to maintain a respectful, effective corporate communication atmosphere?

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