Saturday, August 2, 2008

News via cell phones

I just read Kelly Smith’s blog: Another Option For Getting Our News. In it, Kelly talks about the unfolding technology of receiving news via our cell phones. Like Kelly, I prefer to physically open a traditional newspaper – although I am getting more used to reading news online, thanks to this class!

However, the State of the News Media 2008: An Annual Report On American Journalism, says, “Audiences are moving toward information on demand, to media platforms and outlets that can tell them what they want to know when they want to know it.”

This conjures up scenes of panic from the 1938 radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds when many listeners were convinced New York was under a real attack by extraterrestrial aliens.

How much more quickly could a widespread hoax be perpetrated by “news” sent to millions of cell phones?

The world today is a more sophisticated, discriminating audience that is less susceptible such a possibility - right?

Scary food for thought…is the technology advancing faster than security features that would prevent such an occurrence?

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