Saturday, July 26, 2008

Where have all the women gone?

Have you noticed the lack of coverage of women in the political arena lately?

Since Hillary dropped out of the presidential race, there are no women to been seen or heard.

Where did they go?

It’s back to “it’s all about the men”, politics-as-usual.

There’s not even any coverage of the candidates’ wives!

I have seen video of an interview with Jacqueline Kennedy – black and white footage of the beautiful, young, breathless First Lady. I remember many women being enthralled with Jackie and her children. They wanted to see what she was wearing and hear her talk about the White House. That was the feminine side of politics back then.

So, what is the feminine side of politics today?

It’s supposed to be more gender-friendly, with women actively involved and serving as senators and even running for president. But what’s the last thing you remember hearing about a woman involved in politics?

Where are Michelle Obama (I think she doubles as Condoleezza Rice!) and Cindy McCain?

Where the heck is Hillary?

Good heavens – is there a Stepford Wives thing going on?

1 comment:

hippielynds said...

I do have to say that I read an article today on Caroline Kennedy and how, through her participation in the Obama campaign, she has really become a political mover-and-shaker after so many years hiding from the media spotlight. With Hillary now absent, it is refreshing to see the media pay a bit of attention to a woman in the political arena. Like you, I've certainly noticed how much that attention has been lacking.