Sunday, July 13, 2008

What's new in The Stylebook?

Since we're getting so familiar with the 2007 Associated Press Stylebook, I'm wondering if any of you have taken time to glance through the short section "What's New – In this edition of the AP Stylebook". It's within the first few pages and notes some interesting changes that correlate with the changes in journalism, the world and our daily lives.

New entries include airstrike (note: one word even if your Spell Check disagrees), BlackBerry, carry-on, GPS, hip-hop, homebuyer/homeowner, intefadeh (I had to look that one up) and Swift boat (used as a noun, not a verb referring to dissing someone's character).

Changes and updates include Baha'I (another one I had to look up), European Union, Fatah (one more lookup), RSVP, telephone numbers and U.S. time zone maps.

Interesting deletions were husband (is the word or role an anachronism now?), Internet Search Tips (gosh, it seems like this one would still be beneficial, doesn't it?), Laundromat, pupil/student, Serbia-Montenegro and Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

This quick review of journalistic changes speaks to increasing globalization, especially concerning the Middle East, and modernization. Places far away, geographically and culturally, have the potential to impact America in ways we may not even understand. Likewise, the lifestyles of our parents and grandparents and those of our children seem worlds apart.

Keeping abreast of all of the changes and updating the Stylebook annually must be quite interesting and challenging. I would jump at the chance to sit in on one of their meetings!

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